Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Komodo Dragon Enrichment

Jan. 29,2013
Animal Enrichment

Komodo Dragon
Varanus komodoensis

Today's enrichment activity was aimed at our Komodo Dragon (Varanus komodoensis). The objective was to observe his interest level (or lack thereof) and method of retrieving items placed in 3 different boxes. Each of the 3 boxes contained different items: kale, guinea pig shavings, and a fresh- dead gerbil.
The Komodo Dragon was kept in his indoor barn while we set the boxes in his enclosure in order to introduce him to his enclosure with the items already in it.

  • 11:23 a.m.- released him into exhibit. Note: lots of salivation & tongue flicking.
  • 11:29 a.m.- 11:35 a.m.- sat still
  • 11:35 a.m.- regained interest. Note: got closer to the box with the gerbil in it & lots of tongue flicking .
  • 11:37 a.m.- spent about 3 min licking at the box with the gerbil in it.
  • 11:41 a.m.- walked over to the box with the guinea pig shavings in it.
  • 11:45 a.m.- began to push the box around with his nose.
  • 11:48 a.m.- sat still
  • 11:52 a.m.- tongue flicking
  • 12:16 p.m.- 4:30 p.m.- no interest shown in either of the boxes.