Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Komodo : Scent Trail

February 19, 2013

Animal Enrichment

Komodo Dragon
Varanus komodoensis

      Today's Komodo enrichment activity was a scent trail. This activity has been performed by a student at Gothenburg University and two other students at the University of Washington on Komodo Dragons kept in captivity.


The scent trail is set up by collecting meat juices from frozen meat/chicken and creating a "path" or shape on the ground. A food item from the komodo's dragon approved diet(chicken,meat,eggs,etc.) should be placed at the end of the trail. The objective of the activity is to observe whether the Komodo goes straight to the food item or follows the scent trail, eventually leading to the food item. Following the scent trail, would simulate the behavior of wild Komodo Dragons. Komodos bite their prey and track the scent of the wounded animal.

The Komodo Dragon was temporarily locked in his barn while the scent trail was being set up in his exhibit.
Not-so-patiently waiting

Chicken juice was used for the scent trail and Bird of Prey diet was placed in a small box at the end of the trail. Frozen chicken juice was placed half-way as a treat.

The Komodo responded positively towards the enrichment activity. He followed the scent trail which lead to the meat. He also reacted positively towards the frozen juice treat.
Note: He salivated a great amount, LOTS of tongue flicking, followed trail, was able to retrieve meat from inside box, spent time trying to get into the box & figuring out how to get the frozen treat into his mouth.