Sunday, March 10, 2013

Popcorn & Snake shed

March 7, 2013

Animal Enrichment

Radiated Tortoises
Yellow-footed Tortoises
Red-footed Tortoises
Grand Cayman Blue Iguana

The animal enrichment item for our Radiated Tortoises, Red-footed Tortoises and Yellow-footed Tortoises was popcorn. The popcorn was air popped with no butter or salt.
The popcorn was sprinkled in their exhibits for them to experience a new texture of food.
Radiated Tortoises
The tortoises occasionaly got the popcorn stuck on their beak. They had to figure out how to get it off their beak and in their mouth.
The Yellow-footed Tortoises and Red-footed Tortoises LOVED the popcorn. Once they figured out their technique to pick up the popcorn, they ate it very quickly.
Cy, our breeder male Grand Cayman Blue Iguana, recieved a fresh snake shed as an enrichment item.
(Sistrurus catenatus edwardsii)
Cy smelled the snake shed when placed in front of him. He displayed lots of "head bobbing", but showed no interest of wanting to get near it. A few minutes later, he appeared to be afraid of the snake shed and backed away from it.

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